and the city goes crazy. Papers have been generous about communicating their madness and denial on the invitation Columbia University addressed to the Iranian President, Ahmadinejad, who is visiting the city. Scheduled for today, the places were booked since last week so
we couldn't get to attend it LIVE.
However, we went today to see the anticipated commotion in the vicinity of the university. Flashing our CCNY ID's we managed to get through the first security barrier but not the 2nd at the gates :(NYPD were all over place, t.v. stations, camera men, etc. Broadway was so crammed with New Yorkers going out of their way to express a point-of-view. An interesting moment…
we couldn't get to attend it LIVE.
However, we went today to see the anticipated commotion in the vicinity of the university. Flashing our CCNY ID's we managed to get through the first security barrier but not the 2nd at the gates :(NYPD were all over place, t.v. stations, camera men, etc. Broadway was so crammed with New Yorkers going out of their way to express a point-of-view. An interesting moment…